Monday, 25 May 2015

Dungeon Expansion


I wanted a nice filtered space for my D&D stuff, so I thought I'd set up a new blog for it. The first time hosting D&D at Loading Bar I winged it (no prep, no modules). I always used to wing it, but now I'm older and I've read hundreds of books since the last time I ran a roleplaying game. I like a bit of foreshadowing. I like mysteries. And yes you can wing that but when you write out some ideas and leave them for a few days you spot opportunities to create some really cool chains of events. And then you've got more ammo, more Dungeon Master bullets to fire at the players.

My first mistake writing adventures was thinking I was going to use every bullet. And each bullet ends up dependant on the last - and now I know what railroading is. And then I found Courtney Campbell's blog and his Tricks document. A massive list of bullets, Rambo-levels of ammunition - you don't need to fire it all, just pick up something appropriate and start shooting.

So I wrote something linear (let's not confuse the newbies), yet with some sandbox moments. It's a one-shot that resulted in a fun game for 7 players. I even cut parts out because the game was running late - but it felt nice to have so much extra content to fall back on without needing to commit to it:

Dungeon Expansion - D&D5e for 2+ Level 1-3 characters

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